Our current goal is $140,000

Direct financial donations to the Keshi Foundation (TKF) help fund our important work in Zuni. All board and staff positions are voluntary. Please make all donations to the Keshi Foundation, 227 Don Gaspar, Santa Fe NM 87501. The Keshi Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public nonprofit organization. Donations may be eligible for a tax deduction.

To make a gift in the name of another person, please click the button below, or if sending a check please provide the person's name and mailing address so we may send them a card acknowledging your gift in their name.

Donations of Zuni artwork also help. Your donated artwork will be available for resale on the TKF website. When you acquired a Zuni piece of art, you appreciated the artwork and helped a Zuni artist; when you donate it to TKF, it helps the Zuni community again. Proceeds are used entirely for our projects in Zuni. Selected pieces may be added to the permanent collection of the proposed Zuni Art Museum and Museum Shop (ZAMMS).

Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) from traditional IRAs can be donated to offset that income. The best way of doing this is by asking the institution that holds your IRA to make the contribution directly. This avoids the funds being added to your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and being taxable. Please  consider a donation in a like amount of your RMD to The  Keshi Foundation.