At you’ll find at least 1000 fetish carvings and other Zuni artwork for sale by more than 275 artists.
The Zuni Artist Resource Team (ZART) is our program in Gallup, NM.
You can donate artwork:
If you have Zuni treasures that you would like to donate to the Foundation, please contact us to discuss your collection, large or small. You may receive a tax deduction for this donation.
E'lah'kwa. (thank you in Zuni)
Below please find singular Zuni work for sale. These pieces have been donated to The Keshi Foundation by collectors and Zuni artists to benefit the Zuni People.
When you click on an image below, you'll see larger images and different views of the piece. Clicking on one of those images will provide an enlargement. In rare cases of tall images, please continue to the final enlargement.

15 birds of Gold Lip Mother of Pearl.
14 inches when worn.
Antler with turquoise, coral, and jet inlays. 9 1/2 x 3 x 2 1/2 inches.